I would make Croydon better by…


I would make Croydon better by…
24-Jul-2014 16:56

How will you improve Croydon? We want your suggestions today! editors@thecroydoncitizen.com.

"A day doesn’t go by when people don’t wish Croydon were a better place some way or other. A safer place, a cleaner one – one that’s more fun or more interesting. Who wouldn’t want that?

But how often do people propose, real, concrete suggestions for improving where they live? Often we leave this to politicians to propose solutions – hoping that they can effect all the change that’s needed from the top-down. Often, we don’t even bother – we simply harbour some vague wish that things were better. Even if we’d be happy to be a part of that change, we don’t have an action plan or a clear path to making it happen"...Read more on the Citizen.

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