Iain Lee vs Radio


Iain Lee vs Radio

Award winning radio presenter Iain Lee picks some of his favourite moments from the history of the wireless. I know, it sounds deathly dull, but honestly, it isn't. It’s actually brilliant.

Why did Nicky Campbell drop himself in it when talking about foxes? What do callers to local radio REALLY think about Mayor Boris Johnson and surely old lady professors know what you can and what you most definitely can't say on the radio?

Despite appearing on radio (Five Live, Radio 4, XFM, BBC 3 Counties) and TV (The 11 O'Clock Show, This Morning, Big Brothers Bit On The Side) for over fifteen years, this is Iain's first solo show. Should be a right laugh.

Listen to Iain’s shows: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001d7m8

Find out more: www.iainlee.com

Follow Iain on Twitter: @iainlee

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